FAQ Microvision

FAQ: Microvision

  • What are the system requirements to use Microvision?

               Windows 7 or higher (Win 8, Win 10, ...)

               Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher

               4 Mb of available disk space.

  • I have macro’s enabled, but I still get the “enable macros” message

    Occasionally, this situation can occur. The solution is simple:

    -          Go to your Excel macro settings, enable macros.

    -          Save Microvision

    -          Close all Excel files

    -          Reopen Microvision

    Now, you should get Microvision opened on the Identification Sheet.

  • Where are principal due and interest’s received calculated? Sometimes when I change some value, a progress window shows for 1 or 2 seconds. Why is that?

    Because of the complexity, principal due and interest received are calculated behind the screens. If you change a value that influences principal due or interest received, they need to be recalculated on the Loan Details sheet. This recalculation takes some time and that’s why the progress window pops up.


    The cells that need recalculation of principal due and interest received when they are changed, are the following:

    -             Loan Products: loan amounts, term, pricing, retention rate

    -             Loan Portfolio: loan amounts, term, growth rates, retention, write-off

    -             Income: pricing, insurance coverage percentage

    -             Seasonality: any monthly changes to growth.

  • How do I introduce a new loan product in the five year plan?

    It may be that you plan to introduce new loan products in the five-year plan. You do so by first adding that product on the Loan Products sheet. Then on the Loan Portfolio sheet, you can enter figures in the appropriate year. You can, for convenience, indicate loan amounts and pricing information in Year 0 or Year 1, even though the loan product isn’t marketed until a future year. The only figures that affect your financials are when you have borrowers receiving loans and paying interest and fees on those loans.


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KPIs / Microvision (MV) - Microfinance:



 * MV: Peru

* Zimbabwe

* Malawi


KPIs: Impact Insurance Academy (Turin) - 29.06-03.07.2020


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3000 Leuven

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